報告者および報告要旨 |
Session 1: 夫婦関係と家族役割 Marital Relationships and Family Roles
1) Strategy of Household Division of Labor under Market Economy (市場経済下の家事分業戦略) LI, Dongshan & SHEN, Chonglin(李東山:四川省社会科学院・沈崇麟:中 国社会科学院)
2) Comparative Analysis of Childcare in Japan and Korea(日韓の子育て をめぐる比較分析) SONG, Yoo-Jean(Ewha Womans University)
3) Determinants of Marital Satisfaction in Japan, Korea, and China: A Comparative Analysis(結婚満足感の決定要因:日韓中3国における 比較分析) KAMO, Yoshinori (賀茂義則:ルイジアナ州立大学)
Session 2: 世代間関係 Intergenerational Relationships
1) Intergenerational Relations of Young Married Women in Korea and Japan (韓国と日本における若年有配偶女性の世代間関係) KIM, Cheong-Seok(Dongguk-University)
2) Determinants of Parent-child Proximity in Korea and Japan(居住距 離の規定要因:韓国と日本) TABUCHI, Rokuro(田渕六郎:上智大学)
3) Blood and In-law Relationships in Family(家族における血縁と姻縁) CHEN, Yingying & XIA, Chuanling(陳嬰嬰・夏伝玲:中国社会科学院) |